This is a place for displaying some concepts of the Sherpa System.
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Take Command of Your Day by Thinking Like a Sherpa
When you’re slamming through a day at the office, it’s easy to get to get distracted by requests and other Attention Hijackers. Five o’clock rolls around, and you haven’t moved the goalposts on any of your major projects. You are not in command of your own day.
A solid daily management system gives you the tools you need to take full command of your attention. Instead of reacting to each fire as it pops up, you’re deliberately planning how to make tangible progress towards your most important goals. It puts you in command.
Symptoms of not being in control of your day:
Lack of self-leadership
Your inbox is someone else’s to-do list, or becomes a source of self-distraction. Attention hijackers constantly pull you off track.
You move from task to task, reacting to the most urgent crisis instead of your most important objectives.
You’re not sure what to do next
Unless there’s a meeting scheduled, you default to checking your email or Slack, when you should be working on small chunks of “big picture” tasks.
In climbing, every time you climb one rope length higher, you check your anchors and double-check your knots.
No haphazardness, no “what to do next”. There is a system of checks to ensure these tasks get done before the next rope length starts.
At your weekly Attention Budgeting Session, determine a few key Next Steps.
Put each on your calendar as a meeting with yourself.
Have an accountability system as you would with meetings with others.
Have a Distraction Plan in place to ward off Attention Hijackers.
“I think the best way to measure productivity is to ask yourself a very simple question at the end of every day:
‘Did I get done what I intended to?’”
– Chris Bailey